Toddlers Room


At this age, children are experiencing growing independence, and with their own unique personality really coming through, children are ready to start developing, social, self-help and life skills.

In the Toddler Room, we support these skills with a wide range of opportunities for toddlers to explore, investigate and learn in a safe and stimulating place.

Our qualified and experienced staff encourage your toddler to paint, draw and engage in a wide range of creative activities, and will also look at books and jigsaws at quieter times in the day.

The focus is on purposeful play both indoors and outdoors every day. Promoting independent learning, social skills and personal development which sets the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Most Toddler Room staff are Level 3 qualified or above and experienced with a variety of skills to meet the needs of your child. Each member of staff is a key person to either three or four children. This provides important stability and continuity for your child and means their key person will be fully aware of your child’s interests and individual needs.

The day is a little more structured but also flexible to meet the individual needs of the toddlers. We encourage children to socialise with others and your child will experience small group activities as well as exploring and investigating toys and activities on a one to one basis with their key person supporting them.

Sand play enables children to create different worlds and act out their experiences, learning about weight and volume, practice early mark making, developing early writing skills.

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